Since the 4X AGP slot design of hardware that is difference from 8X AGP slot, so we don't guarantee all of the 8x garphic card can suit with your M/B. Please be infromed that and the table of compared for your reference. AGP1.0 AGP2.0 AGP3.0 Signaling 3.3V signaling 1.5V Signaling New 0.8V Signaling Protocol Pipelined transactions + AGP1.0 + Fast Writes AGP2.0 + Some Source synchronous enhancements – some clocking deletions (See Sec1.5.1) Speeds 2X, 1X 4X, 2X, 1X 8X, 4X Connector 3.3V keyed 1.5V keyed, Universal 1.5V keyed, Universal