AMD Dual graphics technology enables an impressive visual uplift and added compute capacity. The integrated graphics core can be combined with the external graphics card to deliver higher overall performance.Please visit here to learn more about instructions for installing Dual Graphics.
DirectX 11 features the latest technologies of Compute Shaders, Direct 2D, Multithreaded Rendering and Tessellation for create rich worlds, realistic characters and more fluid gameplay.
No more headaches from watching shaky hand-held video. AMD Steady Video automatically stabilizes the video during playback so you can actually see the action.
新世代的AMD加速處理器- APUs,將CPU與圖形處理器(GPU)一起整合在單晶片中,可讓高清影片流暢播放,同時也具有DirectX® 11的圖形處理能力。
ECS GUI UEFI BIOS is a convenient tool for tweaking BIOS in Graphical interface. Users can select functions in BIOS with mouse and keyboard. The user-friendly interface with ECS designed wallpaper radically brings users convenience and easy-to-use experience.
Bundled* the Ultimate HD & Blu-ray Player ,Best Video Editing and Backup/Burn Software. These software are complete multimedia solutions in : - HD playback - Video Editing - Media burning *(30 Days Trial Version)