Please check if RAID ROM has detected the SATA HDD or not (in the second screen after BIOS post). If it's detected, you can install Windows XP by below steps.
1. Due to SATA HDD is controlled by RAID ROM, please copy the driver disk from Driver CD \RAID\VIA\DriverDisk path to 1.44M FDD.
2. Boot from Windows XP OS CD. When you see the first install blue screen, please press F6 to install RAID driver by FDD later.
3. Installation screen will appear one Window Setup screen to let you specify additional device driver. Please press "S" and put the driver disk into FDD -> Enter.
4. Choose VIA RAID Controller (Windows XP) -> Enter -> Enter.
5. The Windows XP will copy the SATA RAID Driver before enter Windows XP HDD Partition screen.
6. Please follow the regular Windows XP installation procedure to install OS.